SUP, ndu, psc
Vice Chairman
Major General Md Jubayer Salehin, SUP, ndu, psc was born on 1st February 1970. He got commissioned in the Corps of Engineers of Bangladesh Army on 23rd December 1988 with 19th Bangladesh Military Academy (BMA) Long Course. During his training in BMA, he held appointments of Corporal and Company Senior Under Officer. Major General Jubayer Salehin is a graduate of Defence Services Command and Staff College of Bangladesh. He is also a graduate of Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology in Civil Engineering. Major General Jubayer Salehin completed Masters of Business Administration from Jahangirnagar University and Masters in Defense Studies from National University of Bangladesh. He also earned Masters in National Security Strategy from National Defence University of USA.
Major General Jubayer Salehin is a Sapper officer with diversified knowledge on various fields of the military profession. He has completed a number of post commission military training both at home and abroad. He attended Officers’ Weapon Course, Engineer Officers’ Basic Course, Junior Officers’ Command and Staff Course, Officers’ Signal Course, Counter Insurgency Intelligence Course, Platoon Commanders’ Course, Unit Command Course and Higher Defense Orientation Course. He participated in seminars on Crisis Action Planning organized by United States Army, on Counter Terrorism organized by United Kingdom Army, on Laws of Armed Conflict organized by International Red Cross and Red Crescent, and on Military and the Media organized by Bangladesh Army.
Major General Jubayer Salehin has served in different command, staff and instructional appointments in a number of Units, Headquarters and Training Institutions. He was a Platoon Commander in Bangladesh Military Academy. He was a Brigade Major in an Engineer Brigade. He was a faculty member in School of Infantry and Tactics and also in the Defense Services Command and Staff College of Bangladesh. He served as Reconnaissance Officer, Platoon Commander, Adjutant, Planning Officer, Company Commander, and Second in Command in Engineer Units. He was a lead member of Bangladesh Engineer Contingent in Kuwait for clearance of explosive ordnance devices after the 1st Gulf War. He commanded Engineer Units twice in Bangladesh and once in United Nations Mission in Sudan. As a Brigadier General, he commanded an Engineer Construction Brigade and an Infantry Brigade. He also served as Chief Engineer of Dhaka North City Corporation. As Major General, he commanded an Infantry Division as General Officer Commanding and he also served in Defence Services Command and Staff College of Bangladesh as its Commandant. Before assuming his present appointment, he served in Engineer in Chief at Army Headquarters. At present, he is serving as the Adjutant General at Army Headquarters.
Major General Jubayer Salehin has visited many countries of Asia, Europe, North America and Africa. He is happily married and blessed with two daughters.